The advantages of hot-dip galvanizing include: long-lasting durability: in a slightly dry environment, the standard hot-dip galvanizing thickness can be maintained for forty or fifty years, and in a humid environment, the anti-rust layer can be maintained for twenty years; Good corrosion resistance: The implementation of reasonable hot-dip galvanizing specifications ensures the minimum thickness of the zinc layer and enhances the degree of corrosion resistance; the coating has strong toughness: the metallurgical combination of the galvanized layer and the steel layer forms a tough and durable With its strong metallurgical structure and other advantages, it has great value and advantages in the process of solid and liquid energy transportation. The corrosion resistance of electroplated zinc is poor, the duration is about half a year, and the surface of the coating is not smooth. Therefore, hot-dip galvanizing is favored by most users. The main reason is that its high wear resistance, long-lasting corrosion resistance, strength and toughness are all good choices.